Vstupný test - falošní začiatočníci (CEFR Elementary A1-A2+)

Pre začatie online testu vyplňte, prosím, nasledovné údaje. Všetky úlohy v teste vypĺňajte samostatne a svojpomocne, v opačnom prípade budú výsledky skreslené a príslušný kurz nebude zodpovedať vašej jazykovej úrovni.
Meno a priezvisko: *
E-mail: *
Telefónne číslo: *
Mám záujem o: *
Súhlasím so spracovaním mojich osobných údajov v súlade s nariadením EPaR EÚ 2016/679 o ochrane fyzických osôb pri spracúvaní osobných údajov a o voľnom pohybe takýchto údajov, ktorým sa zrušuje smernica 95/46/ES (všeobecné nariadenie o ochrane údajov) a so zákonom č. 18/2018 Z. z. o ochrane osobných údajov a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov *
Súhlasím so zasielaním reklamných a informačných e-mailov
1. Add the missing letters. *
a) How much do those bags c_ _t? *
b) My goal for this year? I want to lose w_ _ _ _t. *
c) Do you have plans for next year? No, not really. I need to get o_ _ _ _ _ _ _d. *
d) You can write ‘t_ _ _d’ like this – ‘3rd'. *
e) My birthday’s in A_ _ _l. *
f) He usually goes to work by u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _d. *
g) I don’t like ch_ _ _ _ _g o_ _ _ _e. I like talking to people on the phone or face-to-face. *
h) Is that book i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ng? Yes, it’s very good. *
i) Is the window on the left of the door? No, it’s on the r_ _ _t. *
j) I’d like to call her, but my mobile’s at home. It’s OK, there’s a p_ _ _ _ _ _e over there. *
k) How many p_ _ _ _ _ _ers were in the car? *
2. Choose the correct alternative, a) or b). *
a) Where _________ you yesterday? *



b) Let’s meet _________ the station. *



c) What did you _________ him? *



d) She writes about her travels _________ the internet. *



e) I love _________ old buildings on holiday! *



f) Let’s _________ some coffee. *



g) ‘B’ is _________ ‘A’ and ‘C’ in the alphabet. *



h) Let’s talk about it _________ the car. *



i) See you _________ ! *

two weeks


j) Where do you _________ your clothes? *



k) She wants to help _________ . *



3. Complete the blog with the correct past simple form of the verbs in brackets. *
From waiter to teacher Three years ago I (3.1)(be) _________ a waiter in a restaurant. I (3.2)(not be) _________ very happy so I (3.3)(decide) _________ to change jobs. I (3.4)(look) _________ at job adverts every day for three months, but I (3.5)(not see) _________ any interesting ones. Then one day I (3.6)(see) _________ an advert for teaching assistants in India. I wrote a letter with my details, and two days later someone phoned me. They (3.7)(ask) _________ me to go for an interview, and they (3.8)(give) _________ me a job. It was a voluntary job at first so they (3.9)(not pay) _________ me – I just (3.10)(have) _________ food and a place to live. Then, I (3.11)(do) _________ some training and I became a ‘real’ teacher. That’s my job now and I love it!
3.1 * 3.2 * 3.3 * 3.4 *
3.5 * 3.6 * 3.7 * 3.8 *
3.9 * 3.10 * 3.11 *
4. Choose the correct words to complete the story. *
don’t     wasn’t     on     arrived     didn’t    a      any

Planes, trains and me
I really love going to different countries but I (5.1) _________ like travelling by plane. In fact, I hate it! Last year I went (5.2) _________ holiday with my friend, Luca. Luca wanted to fly, but I (5.3) _________ want to go by plane so I travelled by train. Big mistake! The journey took nine hours. I didn’t have (5.4) _________ food with me and there wasn’t (5.5) _________ café on the train. When I (5.6) _________ at the hotel, I was very tired and hungry. It (5.7) _________ a good start to the holiday!
5.1 * 5.2 * 5.3 * 5.4 *
5.5 * 5.6 * 5.7 *
5. Match sentences 1–6 with responses a)–f). *
1. Which colour would you like? *
2. What would you like? *
3. How was the fish? *
4. Hey, this music’s really great. *
5. How was the film? *
6. Nice to talk to you. *
6. You are on holiday in a city. Write an email to a friend. Write about two or three of the things from the box. Write 50–80 words. *
the food    a problem    what you did yesterday    a plan for tomorrow    the transport *

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